Friday 18 May 2018

My Artefact

As part of our Module 3 Portfolio of work, we are asked to create an artefact that resembles the outcome of our inquiries. As we know, I don't tend to approach tasks in a conventional way. So why would I change that now? Well, I didn't and let me tell you, creating this artefact was extremely time consuming, creative (if I do say so myself) and at points, difficult.

I don't want to write a huge long explanation for my artefact because quite frankly, I'm exhausted from the amount of work I've been doing for this final module, but I still wanted to share what I created. The basic premise for my artefact was to show that there are skills that are applicable to both technical theatre and performing, because that was what I discovered through my inquiry.

Why a puppet? Well puppetry is a perfect example of a technical skill being used in performance. May I refer you to my previous post 'I ain't got no strings to hold me down' for the cliche light bulb moment that sparked the idea for a puppet. The costume half of the puppet is its original outfit, all the 'techie' amendments were hand made and created by myself.

It is relevant to my own practice because it also resembles me as a professional - half techie half performer. Each string represents different skills that need to work together to make the puppet move: like in a theatre - everything and everyone must work together to put on a show.

So, onto oral presentations. Obviously, my artefact is not one I can submit online, therefore I will be bringing it to my presentation for all to see and take a closer look. See you all there, or on the other side...with some luck.

Here are some pictures of the puppet before and after:



Also After


  1. Im feeling you with the exhausting feeling but the hard work seems to have paid of it looks great. Looking forward to seeing it in real life at the oral presentations.


  2. Absolutely love this concept! Referring to all the different strings to produce a show is so key.
